MCQ’s on Minerals and Energy Resources for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 3

MCQ’s on Minerals and Energy Resources for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 3

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MCQ's on Minerals and Energy Resources for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 3

1 / 30

Which of the following is largely derived from ocean water?

2 / 30

What are the demerits of mining?

3 / 30

Who studies minerals as part of the earth's crust for a better understanding of landforms?

4 / 30

Assertion (A) : Most nuclear power stations in India have been constructed near sources of water.
Reason (R) : Nuclear power stations require a great quantity of water cooling purposes.

5 / 30

The oldest producer state of oil is __________.

6 / 30

The Monazite sands in Kerala is rich in __________.

7 / 30

Koderma in Jharkhand is the leading producer of ____________.

8 / 30

From where magnesium and bromine are largely derived?

9 / 30

Where are Gondwana coal deposits are found?

10 / 30

Which of the following does not influence the location of industries?

11 / 30

Assertion (A) : Peninsular rocks contain many reserves of coal, metallic minerals, mica and many other non-metallic minerals.
Reason (R) : Sedimentary rocks on the western and eastern flanks of the peninsula in Gujarat and Assam have most of the ferrous minerals.

12 / 30

The finest Iron Ore is _________.

13 / 30

Which ore is the most important industrial iron ore in terms of the quantity used?

14 / 30

Consider the following statements:
Assertion (A) : Manganese is used in the manufacturing of steel.
Reason (R) : Nearly 10 kilogram of manganese is needed to make one tonnes of steel.
Select the correct option from the given alternatives:

15 / 30

Which of the following industries are the key users of natural gas?

16 / 30

The smaller occurrences of metamorphic and igneous minerals rocks are called _________.

17 / 30

The major mica producing area in Rajasthan __________.

18 / 30

Where are Uranium and Thorium that is used for generating nuclear power found?

19 / 30

Assertion (A): Coal is a fossil fuel.
Reason(R): It is formed due to compression of inorganic material over million of years.
Select the correct option from the given alternatives:

20 / 30

What is called mineral deposits that occur as alluvial deposits in sands of valley floors?

21 / 30

Which mineral is used to manufacture steel?

22 / 30

In which mineral group does Rock crystal belong?

23 / 30

Electricity is generated by ____________

24 / 30

The place in India that is ideal for utilising tidal energy is ________.

25 / 30

Which of the following factors is responsible for the sugar mills to shift and concentrating in the southern and western states of India?

26 / 30

On which the varieties of coal dependent?

27 / 30

Which of the following states is not connected with Hajira-Vijaypur-Jagdishpur pipeline?

28 / 30

Which states have the most petroleum deposits?

29 / 30

In which state the largest wind farm cluster is located?

30 / 30

Which form of the coal has a low carbon, high moisture contents and low heating capacity?

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→ Other Quizzes on Minerals and Energy Resources for Class 10

» MCQ’s on Minerals and Energy Resources for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 1

» MCQ’s on Minerals and Energy Resources for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 2

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