

An essay is a short piece of writing with a focus on a single subject. Essays have been sub-classified as formal and informal. In general, we write an academic essay in three parts:

How to write an essay

First, we have to write an introduction to the topic on which you write the essay. It gives an idea to the reader what they are about to learn.
Second, a body or middle section, that provides the full information about the topic with their Pros and Cons.
In the last, we should give a conclusion on that topic to summarizes the content. Your conclusion should consist of 3 to 4 strong sentences.

Above all three steps are very important to write a good essay or article.

Here, we will list out many essay topics from different categories like essays on education, technology, environment, famous people, festivals, etc.

Essay Topics on Environment


Essay Topics on Education


Essay Topics on Animals & Birds
