MCQ’s on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 1

MCQ’s on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 1

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MCQ's on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 1

1 / 30

Where was the First World War mainly fought?

2 / 30

What was the reason that prompted Europeans to colonise Africa?

3 / 30

The Ford Motor plant was established in _________

4 / 30

When was the Potato crop destroyed by diseases in Ireland?

5 / 30

Which of the following common foods did not come from the New World?

6 / 30

What was Rinderpest?

7 / 30

The 'flows' within international economic exchanges that are identified by the economists are __________

8 / 30

When was the system of Indentured labour abolished?

9 / 30

Which among the following is not a economic exchange?

10 / 30

According to which famous economist, Indian gold exports promoted global economic recovery?

11 / 30

Assertion (A): By the early twentieth century, America became the biggest supplier of wheat to
Reason (R): The expansion of the railways during the period greatly facilitated the transport of

12 / 30

Caribbean islands do not comprise _________

13 / 30

Which of the following statements regarding the Silk Routes are correct ?
I. They also meant cultural links.
II. They spread over land and by sea.
III. They connected Asia with Europe and Africa.
IV. Besides textiles, gold and silver got exported from Asia to Europe through these routes.

14 / 30

When did the Great Depression begin?

15 / 30

Bob Marley's name is associated with _________

16 / 30

Which of the following terms is associated with the 'Assembly Line Method' of production?

17 / 30

How much the daily wage Ford increase of workers?

18 / 30

The Great Depression began around 1929 and lasted till the _________

19 / 30

The global agricultural economy started in _______

20 / 30

Christopher Columbus accidentally discovered __________

21 / 30

In which city did the European powers meet in 1885 to divide Africa between themselves?

22 / 30

Which of the following statements is correct?

23 / 30

Foods like chillies, soya, potato etc, were introduced in Asia and Europe from ______

24 / 30

When the export of cotton textile in Britain declined, India did not lose much. Why?

25 / 30

Who was Sir Henry Morton Stanley?

26 / 30

In the plantations developed in America, the two chief crops grown were __________

27 / 30

In Trinidad, the annual Muharram procession is known as _________

28 / 30

Who adopted the Assembly line method for car production in US?

29 / 30

How many people were injured in the First World War?

30 / 30

Which of the following powerful weapons was used by the Spanish conquerors to colonise America during the mid-seventeenth century?

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» MCQ’s on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 3

» MCQ’s on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 4

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