MCQ’s on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 3

MCQ’s on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 3

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MCQ's on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 3

1 / 30

Which movement was launched during the height of the Great Economic Depression (1931)?

2 / 30

Statement I : The Spanish conquest of America was not a conventional military conquest.
Statement II : One of the most powerful weapon was the spread of smallpox.

3 / 30

Where was the 'Chutney Music' popular?

4 / 30

All over the world how many people have left their homes in search of a better future?

5 / 30

Which of the following country has an effective right of veto over key IMF and World Bank decisions?

6 / 30

What was 'Hosay'?

7 / 30

Who was a well-known pioneer of mass production in the US at the time?

8 / 30

The Assembly line method was adopted by a slaughterhouse located in?

9 / 30

Where are MNCs works?

10 / 30

Around what percent of the Trade comprised of Primary Products?

11 / 30

From which country did US overtake some African colonies?

12 / 30

What was the Bretton Woods system?

13 / 30

The main reason behind the world's shrank was _______

14 / 30

For which purpose couries (cowdi) were used in ancient times?

15 / 30

Which was the most powerful weapon of the Spanish conquerors to colonise the Americas?

16 / 30

What major change occurred for the US after World War I?

17 / 30

Why did people travel vast distances in ancient times?

18 / 30

Which among the following is considered of Indian origin?

19 / 30

What is the Bretton Woods?

20 / 30

The British 'trade surplus' with India in the 19th century helped Britain :

21 / 30

Which foods were introduced in Europe and Asia after Christopher Columbus discovered America?

22 / 30

What do you mean by indentured labour?

23 / 30

Assertion (A): By the early twentieth century, America became the biggest supplier of wheat to Europe.
Reason (R): The expansion of the railways during the period greatly facilitated the transport of grain.

24 / 30

Which 'technology' helped in transporting perishable goods?

25 / 30

An industrial society based on mass production cannot be sustained without _____________

26 / 30

During the 18th century, Who worked in American plantations?

27 / 30

What does the 'Silk route' refers to?

28 / 30

Assertion (A) : Population growth from the late eighteenth century increased the demand for food grains in Britain.
Reason (R) : 'Corn Laws' introduced by the government helped in reducing the food prices.

29 / 30

Where were Indentured labourers sent to work in the plantations?

30 / 30

Who is the Descendants of indentures workers and a Noble Prize-winning writer?

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→ Other Quizzes on The Making of a Global World for Class 10

» MCQ’s on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 1

» MCQ’s on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 2

» MCQ’s on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 4

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