World and Indian History Quiz-2

World and Indian History Quiz-2

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World and Indian History Quiz-2

1 / 30

Who has first used The word ‘Hindu” as a reference to the people of Hind (India)?

2 / 30

What was the real name of Dayananda Saraswati?

3 / 30

The Vijayanagar state is situated on the banks of which river?

4 / 30

Mention the year in which Quit India Movement started?

5 / 30

Which among the following materials was used to make Harappan weapons?

6 / 30

Who among the following was the first Indo-Greek king, who became Buddhist?

7 / 30

Who declared Sati as a punishable crime?

8 / 30

Who is known as the missile man of India?

9 / 30

During the Revolt of 1857, who was the prominent leader in Lucknow?

10 / 30

During whose reign did the Moorish traveller, Ibn Batuta came to India?

11 / 30

The famous peacock throne originally belonged to which king and who later occupied it?

12 / 30

Who was responsible for making "Sikhism' a militant force?

13 / 30

Chanakya is also known as:

14 / 30

Which Bahmani King married to the daughter of Dev Raya I?

15 / 30

Under whose Viceroyalty was local self-government set up in India?

16 / 30

Who was the most famous ruler of Chalukyas?

17 / 30

To Whose court did India send an Ambassador in 100 A.D.?

18 / 30

Name the new Capital of Brazil built after the Second World War?

19 / 30

In which year the Industrial Revolution took place?

20 / 30

Which Governor General introduced the English system of education in India?

21 / 30

The expedition of which explorer was the first to circumnavigate the world?

22 / 30

Who was the founder of Haryanka Dynasty?

23 / 30

When was the first battle of Panipat fought?

24 / 30

The resolution for “Purna Swaraj” was passed at which session of the Indian national Congress?

25 / 30

The First Round Table Conference was held at:

26 / 30

Who defeated whom in the battle of Plassey?

27 / 30

Where was the main focus of the Rigvedic culture?

28 / 30

In which year did Ibrahim Lodi ascend the Throne?

29 / 30

During whose reign did Sir Thomas Roe, English Ambassador, visit India?

30 / 30

During 321 B.C. to 298 B.C., Indian was ruled by a competent king. Who was he?

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2 thoughts on “World and Indian History Quiz-2

  • at

    Quiz is very informative.

  • at

    Looking good , and of course the a good theme for study background.

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