GK Questions for 9-11 Years | Quiz 1

GK Questions for 9-11 Years | Quiz 1

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GK Questions for 9-11 Years Kids | Quiz 1

1 / 20

The position of Earth in our Solar system is _____

2 / 20

Which country has the longest written constitution in the world?

3 / 20

How many equal sides does an isosceles triangle have?

4 / 20

Who is known as the Iron Man of India?

5 / 20

How many bones does an adult human have?

6 / 20

1 L is equal to how many ml?

7 / 20

The shape which has five sides is called _______

8 / 20

Where is the Eiffel Tower situated?

9 / 20

How many zeros are there in Ten million?

10 / 20

Which planet is known as “The Blue Planet”?

11 / 20

Which among the following is not a metal :
Gold, Aluminium, Glass, Copper

12 / 20

How many stars are there in the American flag?

13 / 20

How many strings does a violin have?

14 / 20

Which is the principal source of energy for the earth?

15 / 20

Which is the largest flower in the world?

16 / 20

The part of the stem where the leaf is attached?

17 / 20

Which is the hottest continent on Earth?

18 / 20

Who made the painting of the Mona Lisa?

19 / 20

How much of Earth’s surface is covered by the ocean?

20 / 20

Which planet is known as the Red Planet?

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