MCQ’s for The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 History | Quiz 2

MCQ’s for The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 History | Quiz 2

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MCQ's for The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 History | Quiz 2

1 / 30

Which of the following enjoyed suffrage rights during Jacobin rule in France?

2 / 30

Giuseppe Garibaldi was the freedom fighter of :

3 / 30

The meaning of the German word "Volksgeist" was the ________

4 / 30

The French Revolution took place in the year of _____

5 / 30

Giuseppe Mazzini was described as 'the most dangerous enemy of our social order' by :

6 / 30

In which region, the Napoleonic Code was exported?

7 / 30

An abstract idea or emotion which when used as a symbol to portray a theme with respect to a nation is called :

8 / 30

Which of the following is incorrect? The Napoleonic Code _______

9 / 30

The country in which the formation of the nation-state was not the result of a sudden revolution.

10 / 30

Who said when France sneezes the rest of Europe catches cold?

11 / 30

The best expression of nationalism is :

12 / 30

The tactful diplomatic alliance between Sardinia-Piedmont and France was engineered by :

13 / 30

Which was the allegory of the German nation that wears a crown of oak leaves?

14 / 30

Match the term with the statements given below:

A ‘Utopian Society’ is :

I. a society under a benevolent monarchy

II. a society that is unlikely to ever exist

III. a society under the control of a chosen few wise men

IV. a society under Parliamentary Democracy

15 / 30

Which of the following statements about the ‘French Revolution’ are correct?

I. After the end of the French Revolution it was proclaimed that it was the people who would henceforth constitute the nation and shape its destiny.

II. France will have a constitutional monarchy and the new republic will be headed by a member of the royal family.

III. A centralised administrative system will be put in place to formulate uniform laws for all citizens.

IV. Imposition of internal customs duties and dues will continue to exist in France.

16 / 30

Young Italy, a secret society, was formed by :

17 / 30

Which revolution gave the clear idea of nationalism with its core words: ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’?

18 / 30

The French revolutionaries declared that the mission and destiny of the French nation was _____

19 / 30

Who joined the Young Italy movement in 1833 and participated in Republican uprising in Piedmont in 1834?

20 / 30

Who played the leading role in the unification of Germany? 

21 / 30

The Civil Code of 1804 in France is known as:

22 / 30

German confederation consisting of 39 states was formed by :

23 / 30

The liberal nationalism stands for:

24 / 30

What led to the abolishing of the tariff barriers in the German Confederation of Europe and the reduction of currencies?

25 / 30

Crown of Oak leaves is related to :

26 / 30

Which country did not attend the Congress of Vienna?

27 / 30

Which of the following statements are true in the context of Liberals in Modern Europe?

I. They opposed the uncontrolled power of dynastic rulers.

II. They wanted to safeguard the rights of individuals against governments.

III. They argued for an independent judiciary.

IV. They believed in the universal adult franchise for all men and women with property.

28 / 30

The Kaiser William I, was proclaimed German Emperor in a ceremony held at Versailles was a king of _________

29 / 30

Who became the King of United Italy in 1861?

30 / 30

What does the mean of ‘Nationalism’, which emerged as a force in the late 19th century?

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One thought on “MCQ’s for The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 History | Quiz 2

  • at

    Amazing question

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