MCQ’s on Democracy and Diversity for Class 10 Political Science | Quiz 2

MCQ’s on Democracy and Diversity for Class 10 Political Science | Quiz 2

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MCQ's on Democracy and Diversity for Class 10 Political Science | Quiz 2

1 / 25

Movement which emerged in 1966 and lasted till 1975, which was a more militant anti racist movement, advocating even violence, if necessary to end racism in the U.S.

2 / 25

What gesture of Tommie Smith and John Carlos symbolised Black Power in America?

3 / 25

Democracy is the best way to fight for recognition and accommodates _____

4 / 25

Social differences arise due to difference in _______

5 / 25

To show his support to the protesting American athletes during the award ceremony of Mexico Olympics, Peter Norman _____

6 / 25

Who led the Civil Rights Movement in the USA?

7 / 25

Among the following which country suffered disintegration due to political fights on the basis of religious and ethnic identities?

8 / 25

What was the height of the statue of Tommie Smith and John Carlos installed in San Jose University?

9 / 25

Which of these sentences is not correct about the “Black Power Movement”?

10 / 25

The percentage of Protestant Christians in Northern Ireland is :

11 / 25

When was black power moment started?

12 / 25

Which one of the following statements is not correct about social division?

13 / 25

Name the conflicting groups of people in Sri Lanka.

14 / 25

When did UK govt and Nationalists reached a peace treaty?

15 / 25

A Society with similar kinds of people especially with no significant ethnic differences is called a ________

16 / 25

When did Tommie Smith, John Carlos and Peter Norman participated in Olympic race?

17 / 25

Which region of the UK has been the site for violent and bitter ethno-political conflict?

18 / 25

Do only big countries have social divisions?

19 / 25

Who represented Protestants in Northern Ireland ?

20 / 25

Winch of the following country suffered disintegration due to political fights on the basis of religious and ethnic identities?

21 / 25

Social divisions and differences are based on ______

22 / 25

Choose the correct statement.

23 / 25

When did Peter Norman died?

24 / 25

Which of the following countries were once very homogeneous, but now undergoing rapid changes because of influx of people from other parts of the world?

25 / 25

The social group in a country can be formed on the basis of

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