MCQ’s on Minerals and Energy Resources for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 1

MCQ’s on Minerals and Energy Resources for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 1

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MCQ's on Minerals and Energy Resources for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 1

1 / 30

The oldest oil producing state of India is ____________.

2 / 30

Who studies the formation of minerals, their age and physical and chemical composition?

3 / 30

Which of the following is a non-metallic mineral?

4 / 30

In which state Neyveli lignite mines are located?

5 / 30

Which of the following states is the leading producer of Iron ore?

6 / 30

Which mines in India are the leading producers of copper?

7 / 30

Which mineral is formed as a result of evaporation in the arid regions?

8 / 30

Which of the following mineral is not belonging to the quartz group?

9 / 30

Which fuel mineral provides energy to the industry as well as for domestic needs?

10 / 30

The larger occurrences of metamorphic and igneous minerals rocks are called _________.

11 / 30

Which state is the largest producer of bauxite in India?

12 / 30

Choose the quartz mineral which is translucent among the following.

13 / 30

In the production of which mineral India ranks first in the world?

14 / 30

Which of the following is a non-ferrous mineral?

15 / 30

The Badampahar mines are situated in ____________.

16 / 30

Which of the following non-conventional sources of energy is harnessed in the Parvati Valley near Manikaran in Himachal Pradesh?

17 / 30

Which mineral generates energy?

18 / 30

How much percent does our mineral intake represent only of our total intake of nutrients?

19 / 30

In which region of India tidal energy is produced?

20 / 30

Nagercoil of Tamil Nadu is famous for ____________

21 / 30

India is critically deficient in the reserves and production of which mineral?

22 / 30

Which mineral is used to reduce cavity?

23 / 30

Which among of the following minerals occur in the sands of valley floors and the base of hills?

24 / 30

From which Aluminium is obtained?

25 / 30

Which one of the following is the most important feature of Mica?

26 / 30

Which one of the following is a soft mineral?

27 / 30

Which of the following features is not true about copper?

28 / 30

Indispensable minerals for electrical and electronic industries is _________.

29 / 30

In which mineral the Monazite sands of Kerala are rich?

30 / 30

Which one of the following is not a thermal power plant?

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» MCQ’s on Minerals and Energy Resources for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 2

» MCQ’s on Minerals and Energy Resources for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 3

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