MCQ’s on Nationalism in India for Class 10 History | Quiz 3

MCQ’s on Nationalism in India for Class 10 History | Quiz 3

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MCQ's on Nationalism in India for Class 10 History | Quiz 3

1 / 30

When did the Salt March reach Dandi?

2 / 30

Why was the Simon Commission set up by the British?

3 / 30

When did Mahatma Gandhi travel to Champaran in Bihar?

4 / 30

What did the term 'picket' refer to?

5 / 30

The Khilafat issue was linked with which one of the following nationalist movement?

6 / 30

When did Mahatma Gandhi return to India from South Africa?

7 / 30

When did Gandhiji went to London for the Round Table Conference?

8 / 30

When did Mahatma Gandhi send a letter to Viceroy Irwin stating his demands?

9 / 30

In late 19th and early 20th centuries, nationalism captured the imagination of the Indian people through a variety of cultural processes. Which of the following was not a part of those processes?

10 / 30

In April 1929, who threw a bomb in the Legislative Assembly?

11 / 30

When was Inland Emigration Act passed?

12 / 30

When was the Indian Industrial and Commercial Congress formed?

13 / 30

According to the census of 1921, how many people perished as a result of famines and the epidemic?

14 / 30

Which areas did Gandhi organise the satyagraha?

15 / 30

The Second Round Table Conference in which Gandhiji represented the Congress was held in __________

16 / 30

When did the Simon Commission arrive in India?

17 / 30

Arrange the following historical developments in a chronological sequence.
I. Rowlatt Act
II. Kheda Satyagraha
III. Champaran Movement
IV. Ahmedabad Mill Strike

18 / 30

When was the Khilafat Committee formed?

19 / 30

The flag had 8 lotuses on it, what did they represent?

20 / 30

When did Gandhiji decide to launch a nationwide satyagraha against the Rowlatt Act?

21 / 30

Who were the'Sanatanis'?

22 / 30

When did the Non-Cooperation-Khilafat Movement begin?

23 / 30

The Folklore of Southern India was written by _________

24 / 30

When was the quit India movement Resolution passed?

25 / 30

When was the Oudh Kisan Sabha set up by Jawaharlal Nehru?

26 / 30

When did the Jallianwala Bagh incident take place?

27 / 30

When was the Government of India Act passed?

28 / 30

3. Which of the following was not a part of Gandhiji's satyagraha?

29 / 30

What was the Rowlatt Act of 1919?

30 / 30

What do you mean by the ‘begar’ system?

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→ Other Quizzes on Nationalism in India for Class 10

» MCQ’s on Nationalism in India for Class 10 History | Quiz 1

» MCQ’s on Nationalism in India for Class 10 History | Quiz 2

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