MCQ’s on Print Culture and the Modern World for Class 10 History | Quiz 2

MCQ’s on Print Culture and the Modern World for Class 10 History | Quiz 2

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MCQ's on Print Culture and the Modern World for Class 10 History | Quiz 2

1 / 30

In which of the following country, the earliest kind of print technology was not developed?

2 / 30

Which of the following was responsible for print revolution?

3 / 30

Which of the following statement was not true about Erasmus?

4 / 30

In 1878, the Vernacular Press Act was passed because _________

5 / 30

In letterpress printing, the board that was pressed against paper to cause an impression was known as

6 / 30

Who was developed the first printing press?

7 / 30

When was the publication of Bengal Gazette initiated?

8 / 30

Where did Gutenberg live?

9 / 30

Which of the following statements regarding printing in Medieval Europe are correct?
I. Wood block printing reached Europe in the 13th Century.
II. The aristocrats and monks criticised printed books as cheap vulgarities in the beginning.
III. Printing did not entirely displace the art of producing books by hand.
IV. Martin Luther had reservations against printing of books.

10 / 30

Who invented the first printing press?

11 / 30

Which European power introduced the printing press in India?

12 / 30

Who brought hand printing technology to Japan?

13 / 30

Who wrote the book 'Adages'?

14 / 30

Why was James Augustus Hickey persecuted?

15 / 30

The correct meaning of 'Bibliotheque Bleue' is _________

16 / 30

How were the books in China printed?

17 / 30

What was the 'Bengal Gazette'?

18 / 30

On which issue Dr. B. R. Ambedkar mainly wrote?

19 / 30

Which one of the following is the ancient name of Tokyo?

20 / 30

Match the following :
(1) Almanac (a) Petty pedlars
(2) Chapbook (b) Ritual calendar
(3) Biliotheque Bleue (c) Catholic Court
( 4) Inquisition (d) Low priced small book
Choose the answer from the given options:

21 / 30

Who wrote the autobiography Amar Jiban?

22 / 30

How did the print media affect the religious systems?

23 / 30

About printing and reading, what was the common conviction by the mid-eighteenth century?

24 / 30

Which of the following is the oldest Japanese book?

25 / 30

The Sambad Kaumudi was published by _________.

26 / 30

A former Roman Catholic court for identifying and punishing heretics was _______.

27 / 30

How did the print culture help poor people in India?

28 / 30

In which year the printing in Hindi began? What kind of printed material was published?

29 / 30

Vellum was used in making ____________.

30 / 30

Which of the following resulted in publishing paperback editions of books?

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» MCQ’s on Print Culture and the Modern World for Class 10 History | Quiz 1

» MCQ’s on Print Culture and the Modern World for Class 10 History | Quiz 3

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