MCQ’s on Print Culture and the Modern World for Class 10 History | Quiz 3

MCQ’s on Print Culture and the Modern World for Class 10 History | Quiz 3

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MCQ's on Print Culture and the Modern World for Class 10 History | Quiz 3

1 / 30

Which of the following were the result of the invention of the printing press?

2 / 30

Kitagawa Utamaro was a/an ___________

3 / 30

Which female writer highlighted the experience of woman?

4 / 30

A religious reformer who wrote ninety five theses criticising many of the practices and rituals of the Roman Catholic Church in 1517.

5 / 30

Which of the following statement is true?

6 / 30

Who was responsible for the reformation of religion?

7 / 30

What is Vellum?

8 / 30

Which is not true about the reading culture in 17th century in China?

9 / 30

What do you mean by the term 'Calligraph'?

10 / 30

What did People of the elite sections in Europe prefer?

11 / 30

Inquisition refers to _________

12 / 30

Which two Persian newspaper were published from 1822?

13 / 30

Where was the earliest kind of print technology developed?

14 / 30

What were 'taverns' in Europe?

15 / 30

Which book was carried by petty pedlars and sold for a penny?

16 / 30

Which statement is true about 'ukiyo' print?

17 / 30

Which of the following is correctly matched?

18 / 30

Statement I: Hand printing developed in China.
Statement II: The Chinese state printed texbooks in vast numbers.

19 / 30

Which conditions were created by print culture which started French Revolution?

20 / 30

Deoband Seminary was founded in ________.

21 / 30

Who was the first to use wood-block printing?

22 / 30

Which of the following printed publication in English first appeared in India?

23 / 30

What problem was written about in the book 'Gulamgiri'?

24 / 30

When a press devoted to literature for children alone was set up in France?

25 / 30

Who brought the knowledge of printing to Italy?

26 / 30

The first book printed by Gutenberg was ____________.

27 / 30

What was the role of lending libraries in England in the 19th century?

28 / 30

Match the following:
a. Galley I. Old name of Tokyo
b. Edo II. Contained six sheets of text and woodcut illustrations
c. Vellum III. Metal frame in which types are laid and the text composed
d. Diamond Sutra IV. A parchment made from skin of animals

29 / 30

Who among the following hailed printing as the ultimate gift of God?

30 / 30

The term 'Galley' refers to __________

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→ Other Quizzes on Print Culture and the Modern World for Class 10

» MCQ’s on Print Culture and the Modern World for Class 10 History | Quiz 1

» MCQ’s on Print Culture and the Modern World for Class 10 History | Quiz 2

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