MCQ’s on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 2

MCQ’s on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 2

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MCQ's on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 2

1 / 30

Which food travelled West from China?

2 / 30

In which conference were International Monetary Fund and World Bank established?

3 / 30

Which was the famous city of gold?

4 / 30

Which country was not include in the Axis powers?

5 / 30

Why did the export of fine Indian textile to England decline in 19th century?

6 / 30

In which year Rinderpest arrived in Africa?

7 / 30

Which among the following allowed the British Government to restrict the import of corn?

8 / 30

Who is the author of 'Ecological Imperialism'?

9 / 30

Where have been found the silver mines in America?

10 / 30

America's original inhabitants are called _________

11 / 30

Who refuses to accept established beliefs and practices of religion?

12 / 30

By the 18th century, which of the following commodities were produced on large plantations in America by slave labour and exported to other countries?

13 / 30

About how many companies collapsed between 1929 and 1932?

14 / 30

When did The US economy resume its strong growth in the early?

15 / 30

What is the name of The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development?

16 / 30

Which was the main destination of Indian indentured migrants?

17 / 30

Which among the following was not a result of World War I?

18 / 30

From which one of the following countries did Britain borrow large sums of money during First World War?

19 / 30

Which of the following institutions was established in the Bretton Wood Conference?

20 / 30

The decision-making power in the IMF and the World Bank is controlled by ________

21 / 30

Consider the following statements and choose the correct response from the options given thereafter:
Statement I: Traders and travellers introduced new crops to the land they travelled.
Statement II: Noodles most likely travelled from China through Arab traders to Sicily.
Statement III: Potato reached the West through travellers and became the staple diet of the poor.

22 / 30

Which country had made a huge sacrifices to defeat Nazi Germany?

23 / 30

Which of the following statements regarding the impact of Depression of 1929 are correct ?
I. India's exports increased but imports decreased.
II. India's export of gold increased.
III. Urban India suffered more than the rural India.
IV. Industrial investment grew in India.

24 / 30

When did Ford double the daily wages of workers?

25 / 30

When did US resume exporting money to the world and became the largest overseas lender?

26 / 30

Which among the following is not true with reference to Corn Laws?

27 / 30

Assertion (A) : Population growth from the late eighteenth century increased the demand for food
grains in Britain.
Reason (R) : 'Corn Laws' introduced by the government helped in reducing the food prices.

28 / 30

Which one of the following statements is not true of mass production?

29 / 30

What was the correct reason for the decline of household income in Europe after the First World War?

30 / 30

When did the First World War begin?

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→ Other Quizzes on The Making of a Global World for Class 10

» MCQ’s on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 1

» MCQ’s on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 3

» MCQ’s on The Making of a Global World for Class 10 History | Quiz 4

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