NCERT Books for Class 11 Biology

Class 11 Biology books are designed specially by experts to give students a clear understanding of the topic. Students must read the chapters thoroughly and solve the exercise questions to get command over the biology subject. This is the best preparation book for competitive exams such as the Medical, NEET etc. These textbooks are easy to read and understand. These books are provided for students with the best explanation with proper examples in English and Hindi language.

You can download NCERT Textbook for Class 11 Biology according to their medium from here.

Download the PDF of Biology Book in English For Class 11


Unit-I Diversity in the Living World

Chapter-1 The Living World

Chapter-2 Biological Classification

Chapter-3 Plant Kingdom

Chapter-4 Animal Kingdom

Unit-II Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals

Chapter-5 Morphology of Flowering Plants

Chapter-6 Anatomy of Flowering Plants

Chapter-7 Structural Organisation in Animals

Unit-III Sell-Structure and Functions

Chapter-8 Cell The Unit of Life

Chapter-9 Biomolecules

Chapter-10 Cell Cycle and Cell Division

Unit-IV Plant Physiology

Chapter-11 Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

Chapter-12 Respiration in Plants

Chapter-13 Plant Growth and Development

Unit-V Human Physiology

Chapter-14 Breathing and Exchange of Gases

Chapter-15 Body Fluids and Circulation

Chapter-16 Excretory Products and Their Elimination

Chapter-17 Locomotion and Movement

Chapter-18 Neural Control and Coordination

Chapter-19 Chemical Coordination and Integration

Download the Complete Book of Class 11 Biology in English

Download the PDF of Biology Book in Hindi For Class 11


इकाई-1 जीव जगत में विविधता

अध्याय-1 जीव जगत

अध्याय-2 जीव जगत का वर्गीकरण

अध्याय-3 वनस्पति जगत

अध्याय-4 प्राणि जगत

इकाई-2 पादप एवं प्राणियों में संरचनात्मक संगठन

अध्याय-5 पुष्पी पादपों का आकारिकी

अध्याय-6 पुष्पी पादपों का शरीर

अध्याय-7 प्राणियों में संरचनात्मक संगठन

इकाई-3 कोशिकाः संरचना एवं कार्य

अध्याय-8 कोशिका : जीवन की इकाई

अध्याय-9 जैव अणु

अध्याय-10 कोशिका चक्र और कोशिका विभाजन

इकाई-4 पादप कार्यकीय (शरीर क्रियात्मकता)

अध्याय-11 उच्च पादपों में प्रकाश-संश्लेषण

अध्याय-12 पादप में श्वसन

अध्याय-13 पादप वृद्धि एवं परिवर्धन

इकाई-5 मानव शरीर विज्ञान

अध्याय-14 श्वसन और गैसों का विनिमय

अध्याय-15 शरीर द्रव तथा परिसंचरण

अध्याय-16 उत्सर्जी उत्पाद एवं उनका निष्कासन

अध्याय-17 गमन एवं संचलन

अध्याय-18 तंत्रिकीय नियंत्रण एवं समन्वय

अध्याय-19 रासायनिक समन्वय तथा एकीकरण

Download the Complete Book of Class 11 Biology in Hindi

To Download NCERT Books for Class-11, please click on the link given below.

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