Animals Name in Sanskrit

संस्कृत में पालतू और जंगली जानवरों के नाम चित्र सहित | Domestic (Pet) and Wild Animals Name in Sanskrit with Pictures

Whether animals are domesticated or wild, they are an important part of our lives. There are many species of animals, and due to their properties, they are divided into different castes, such as domesticated and wild animals. In many competitive exams, the names of animals are asked in Sanskrit.

Here we are giving a list of 30+ domestic and wild animals’ names in Sanskrit, Hindi and English with their pictures.

संस्कृत में पालतू और जंगली जानवरों के नाम चित्र सहित | Domestic (Pet) and Wild Animals Name in Sanskrit with Pictures

Domestic (Pet) Animals Name in Sanskrit with Pictures

Animals Image Animals Name in English Animals Name in Hindi Animals Name in Sanskrit
Cow Cow गाय गौः / धेनुः
Dog Dog कुत्ता श्वानः / कुक्कुरः
Buffalo Buffalo भैंस महिषः
Cat Cat बिल्ली बिडालः / मार्जार:
Horse Horse घोड़ा अश्वः / हयः / घोटकः
Camel Camel ऊँट उष्ट्रः / क्रमेलकः
Goat Goat बकरी अजा
Bull Ox / Bull बैल / साँड़ वृषभः / बलीवर्दः
Donkey Donkey गधा गर्दभः / खरः
Monkey Monkey बन्दर वानरः / कपि
Rat Rat / Mouse चूहा मूषकः
Sheep Sheep भेड़ मेषः / एडका
Rabbit Rabbit खरगोश शशः

Wild Animals Name in Sanskrit with Pictures

Animals Image Animals Name in English Animals Name in Hindi Animals Name in Sanskrit
Lion Lion शेर सिंहः
Tiger Tiger चीता व्याघ्रः / चित्रकः
Wolf Wolf भेड़िया वृकः
Fox Fox लोमड़ी लोमशः
Deer Deer हिरण मृगः / हरिणः
Bear Bear भालू भल्लूकः
Elephant Elephant हाथी गजः
Rhinoceros Rhinoceros गैंड़ा गण्डकः
Gorilla Gorilla वनमानुष वनमनुष्यः
Mongoose Mongoose नेवला नकुलः
Jackal Jackal सियार / गीदड़ श्रृगालः
Leopard Leopard तेंदुआ तरक्षः 
Blue Bull Blue Bull नील गाय गवयः
Giraffe Giraffe जिराफ़ चित्रोष्ट्रः
Porcupine Porcupine सेही शल्यः
Pig Pig सुअर शूकरः / वराहः
Kangaroo Kangaroo कंगारू काङ्गारुः
Mole Rat Mole Rat छछूंदर छछूंदरः
Squirrel Squirrel गिलहरी चिक्रोड:
Hyena  Hyena लकड़बग्घा तरक्षु / तर्क्षुः

संस्कृत व्याकरण
संस्कृत में सभी शब्द रूप देखने के लिए शब्द रूप/Shabd Roop पर क्लिक करें और सभी धातु रूप देखने के लिए धातु रूप/Dhatu Roop पर क्लिक करें।