CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers 2023-24 (All Subject) PDF Download

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) releases Class 12 Sample Papers for the academic session 2023-24. Students can download the CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers PDF through the official website of CBSE at Or students can also download sample papers through the link given below in the table.

CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers 2023-24

CBSE Class 12 Sample Papers 2023-24 (All Subject) PDF Download

Subjects Sample Question Papers Marking Scheme
English Core SQP MS
English Elective SQP MS
Hindi Core SQP MS
Hindi Elective SQP MS
Applied Mathematics SQP MS
Mathematics SQP MS
Biology SQP MS
Chemistry SQP MS
Physics SQP MS
Computer Science SQP MS
Informatics Practices SQP MS
Accountancy SQP MS
Business Studies SQP MS
Economics SQP MS
Physical Education SQP MS
Geography SQP MS
History SQP MS
Political Science SQP MS
Psychology SQP MS
Home Science SQP MS
Sociology SQP MS
Sanskrit Core SQP MS
Sanskrit Elective SQP MS
Applied Arts (Commercial Art) SQP MS
Biotechnology SQP MS
Graphic SQP MS
Legal Studies SQP MS
Painting SQP MS
Arabic SQP MS
Assamese SQP MS
Bengali SQP MS
Bharatanatyam SQP MS
Bhutia SQP MS
Carnatic Melodic SQP MS
Carnatic Percussion SQP MS
Carnatic Vocal SQP MS
Dance Manipuri SQP MS
Dance Odissi SQP MS
Engg. Graphic SQP MS
Entrepreneurship SQP MS
French SQP MS
German SQP MS
Gujarati SQP MS
Hindustani Music (Melodic) SQP MS
Hindustani Music (Percussion) SQP MS
Hindustani Music (Vocal) SQP MS
Japanese SQP MS
Kannada SQP MS
Kashmiri SQP MS
Kathak SQP MS
Kathakali SQP MS
Kokborok SQP MS
Kuchipudi SQP MS
Lepcha SQP MS
Limboo SQP MS
Malayalam SQP MS
Manipuri SQP MS
Marathi SQP MS
Nepali SQP MS
Persian SQP MS
Punjabi SQP MS
Russian SQP MS
Sculpture SQP MS
Sindhi SQP MS
Spanish SQP MS
Tamil SQP MS
Tangkhul SQP MS
Telugu (AP) SQP MS
Telugu (Telangana) SQP MS
Tibetan SQP MS
Urdu Core SQP MS
Urdu Elective SQP MS