MCQ’s for The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 History | Quiz 3

MCQ’s for The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 History | Quiz 3

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MCQ's for The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 History | Quiz 3

1 / 30

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, popularly known as the Grimm brothers were famous for :

2 / 30

What did liberalism emphasised in politics?

3 / 30

Who collected fund for the Greek independence struggle?

4 / 30

What helped in the formation of a nation-state in Britain?

5 / 30

What happened to Poland at the end of the 18th century. Which of the following is correct?

6 / 30

The theory that tries to make awareness of women's rights and interests based on the belief of the social, economic, and political equality of the genders is known as :

7 / 30

Which of the following organisation formed by Giuseppe Mazzini?

8 / 30

Who was proclaimed King of united Italy in 1861?

9 / 30

Who painted 'Germania' and for what occasion?

10 / 30

The three leaders who helped unification of Italy were _____

11 / 30

Why were all the new regimes set up in 1815 autocratic?

12 / 30

Cavour's contribution to Italian unification was :

13 / 30

Name one kind of revolt that started in Europe in 1848.

14 / 30

Choose the correct response from the given options. The unification of Germany in 1871, for a change, demonstrated.

15 / 30

Which artists painted the image of Germania?

16 / 30

Why was the kingdom of Netherlands, which included Belgium, set up in the North of France?

17 / 30

A large part of the Balkan region was under the control of :

18 / 30

The weavers of Silesian revolted in 1845 against contractors because :

19 / 30

Consider the following statements and choose the correct response from the options given thereafter :

Statement I: The Act of Union 1707 led to the formation of the "United Kingdom of Great Britain".

Statement II: The British parliament was henceforth dominated by its English members.

20 / 30

Some historians consider Great Britain as a model of the nation-state because :

21 / 30

Which of the following is not a feature or belief of ‘Conservatism’?

22 / 30

Frederic Sorrieu, a French artist, in his series of four prints (1848) visualised his dream of a world as :

23 / 30

What was the Napoleonic Code of 1804?

24 / 30

What was the aim of Romanticism?

25 / 30

What seemed to outweigh the advantages of the administrative changes in Europe by Napoleon?

26 / 30

Romanticism refers to which movement.

27 / 30

Why did the Treaty of Vienna 1815 take place?

28 / 30

Choose the correct response from the given options.

29 / 30

What was the famous expedition carried out by Giuseppe Garibaldi called?

30 / 30

Greece was marked an independent nation by the ________

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