MCQ’s on Manufacturing Industries for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 3

MCQ’s on Manufacturing Industries for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 3

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MCQ's on Manufacturing Industries for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 3

1 / 30

By which of the following gases is air pollution caused?

2 / 30

Which of the following statement is correct?

3 / 30

In which of the following cities have Software Technology Parks?

4 / 30

Assertion (A): Internal demand for jute has been on the increase.
Reason (R): This is because of the government policy of mandatory use of plastic packaging. It replaces the secondary and tertiary sector activities.

5 / 30

What are basic or key industries?

6 / 30

Assertion (A): Organic chemical plants are located near oil refineries or petrochemical plants.
Reason (R): Organic chemicals are made of petrochemicals that cannot be transported over distances.

7 / 30

Which of the following is a correct match?

8 / 30

Which one of the following is a negative effect of industrialisation?

9 / 30

What are the main drawbacks of the weaving sector in India?

10 / 30

Which of the following is not a centre of the Automobile industry?

11 / 30

What is the full form of BPO?

12 / 30

Which material is used in the manufacture of Aircraft?

13 / 30

On the basis of ownership, industries are categorized as _______

14 / 30

Assertion (A): There is a tendency for the mills to shift and concentrate in the southern and western states, especially in Maharashtra.
Reason (R): Raw material is cheaper there.

15 / 30

Where was the first successful cotton textile mill set up in India?

16 / 30

Which of the following statements is/are correct regarding sugarcane production?
1. 60% of mills are located in Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra.
2. It is suited for the cooperative sector as it is seasonable.
3. The cooler climate ensures a longer crushing season.
4. India stands first as a world producer of sugar but occupies second place in the production of gur and khandsari.

17 / 30

Oil India Limited (OIL) belongs to which types of industries?

18 / 30

When does thermal pollution of water take place?

19 / 30

Which of the following does not influence industrial location?

20 / 30

On what basis is the industrial sector classified into public and private sectors?

21 / 30

What do you mean by agglomeration economies?

22 / 30

Export of manufactured goods expands __________.

23 / 30

How do the Manufacturing industries help in modernised agriculture?

24 / 30

Iron ore, coking coal and limestone are required in the ratio of approximately

25 / 30

A tourist was travelling the Indian States and came across a famous Buddhist Monastery, farming of three rice crops within the same agricultural year, a cement factory and floating gardens on a lake.
Identify the proper sequence of the States the tourist travelled.

26 / 30

The textile industry is an example of which industry?

27 / 30

Which of the following statement is NOT true in the context of the Iron and steel industries in India?

28 / 30

Which one of the following industries is not a heavy industry?

29 / 30

In which state Durgapur is situated?

30 / 30

Why National Jute Policy was formulated?

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» MCQ’s on Manufacturing Industries for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 1

» MCQ’s on Manufacturing Industries for Class 10 Geography | Quiz 2

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