Chitra Varnan in Sanskrit for Class 10
‘चित्राधारितवर्णनम्’ अर्थात् चित्र के आधार पर उसका वर्णन करना। यह वर्णन मंजूषा में दिए गए शब्दों की सहायता से करना होता है। चित्र को देखकर अपने शब्दों में वर्णन करना ही चित्रवर्णन कहलाता है।…
Read more‘चित्राधारितवर्णनम्’ अर्थात् चित्र के आधार पर उसका वर्णन करना। यह वर्णन मंजूषा में दिए गए शब्दों की सहायता से करना होता है। चित्र को देखकर अपने शब्दों में वर्णन करना ही चित्रवर्णन कहलाता है।…
Read moreSanskrit is the primary language in all the languages. It has always been considered the language of an intellectual group of people. In this section, we will cover all the different things, i.e., Fruits, Vegetables, Animals, Birds, Flowers, etc. names in the Sanskrit language….
Read moreThe human body has 206 bones. It consists of numerous Bones, Cells, Glands & many more parts. In this article, we are providing 40+ Human Body Part’s names in Hindi, English and Sanskrit….
Read moreMany types of birds are found in the world. Now let us know the names of birds in Sanskrit. Read out the Name of Birds in Sanskrit with their English and Hindi meanings. This is very useful for Kids of any Class. In many competitive exams, the names of birds are asked in Sanskrit…
Read moreWhether animals are domesticated or wild, they are an important part of our lives. There are many species of animals, and due to their properties, they are divided into different castes, such as domesticated and wild animals. In many competitive exams, the names of animals are asked in Sanskrit….
Read moreThe earth is very beautiful because of the flowers and greenery. Children must have read the names of flowers in Hindi and English in their childhood. Here we are giving 40+ flower names with their pictures…
Read moreVegetables are parts of plants that are consumed by humans or other animals as meals. Carrots and potatoes are parts of the root of plants, but since they are eaten by humans, they are vegetables. Vegetables are rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, minerals and carbohydrates…
Read moreFruits are a type of food that we get from nature. There are many different types of fruits like apples, oranges, pineapples etc. Fruit is a good source of vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, iron etc. Eating fruits can help you stay healthy and maintain a healthy weight…
Read moreपुल्लिंग शब्दों में जिन प्रत्ययों को लगाकर स्त्रीलिंग या स्त्रीवाचक शब्द बनाए जाते हैं, उन्हें स्त्री प्रत्यय कहते हैं। जैसे- अज + टाप् = अजा। स्त्री प्रत्यय के भेद। 1. टाप् (आ) प्रत्यय, 2. डाप् (आ) प्रत्यय, 3. चाप् (आ) प्रत्यय, 4. ङीप् (ई) प्रत्यय, 5. ङीष् (ई) प्रत्यय, 6. ङीन् (ई) प्रत्यय ..
Read moreसंज्ञा, विशेषण तथा कृदन्त आदि शब्दों के साथ जुड़कर अर्थ परिवर्तन करने वाले प्रत्ययों को तद्धित प्रत्यय कहते हैं। जैसे- श्री + मतुप् = श्रीमत् (श्रीमान्)। तद्धित प्रत्ययांत शब्दों में कारक विभक्तियाँ लगती हैं। तद्धित प्रत्यय का प्रयोग धातुओं के साथ नहीं किया जाता है।…
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